Easy Riddles Part-4

Easy Riddles Part-4

Viewed 1051 times.
Q.1 : What can you catch but never throw?
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Q.2 : A man wanted to enter an exclusive club but did not know the password that was required. He waited by the door and listened. A club member knocked on the door and the doorman said, "twelve." The member replied, "six " and was let in. A second member came to the door and the doorman said, "six." The member replied, "three" and was let in. The man thought he had heard enough and walked up to the door. The doorman said ,"ten" and the man replied, "five." But he was not let in. What should have he said?
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Q.3 : Which part of a road do Ghost's love to travel the most?
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Q.4 : What 7 letter word is spelled the same way backwards and forewards?
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Q.5 : I have lakes but no water, No cars but I have streets, Many places and borders, But I'm in one piece. What am I?
Q.6 : I am white when I am dirty, and black when I am clean. What am I?
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Q.7 : I can be cracked, I can be made. I can be told, I can be played. What am I?
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Q.8 : What travels around the world but stays in one corner?
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Q.9 : There is an ancient invention still used in some parts of the world today that allows people to see through walls. What is it?
Q.10 : You can carry it everywhere you go, and it does not get heavy. What is it?
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